What is the Annual Meeting?
The Scoliosis Research Society Annual Meeting is a form for the realization of the Society's mission and goals, the improvement of patient care for those with spinal deformities. Presentations at the Annual Meeting are given by leading experts in the field and have value for health care professionals who treat spinal deformities at all levels and in all ages. Over 125 papers will be presented on an array of topics, including adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, growing spine, kyphosis, adult deformity, trauma, neuromuscular scoliosis and tumors.
What is the attire for the meeting?
Business casual attire (collared shirts, and jeans or khakis) is appropriate for Annual Meeting sessions. Cocktail attire is recommended for the Farewell Reception.
Who can attend the Annual Meeting?
Presentations at the Annual Meeting will have value for physicians and allied health personnel who treat spinal deformities at all levels and patients of all ages. Medical students, residents, fellows and researchers with an interest in spinal deformities will also benefit from the materials presented.
What language is spoken at the Annual Meeting?
Presentations and course materials will be provided in English.
Where is the Annual Meeting?
The 54th Annual Meeting & Course will be held at the Palais des congrès de Montréal in Montréal, Canada.
What is the deadline to submit an abstract?
The deadline to submit an abstract is February 1, 2019 at 11:59 pm Eastern Standard Time (EST). Only abstracts submitted online by the deadline are considered, no exceptions will be made.
How do I register for the Annual Meeting ?
Registration for the 54th Annual Meeting will open on April 2019. Online registration for the Annual Meeting is encouraged and will be available on the Registration tab of this website. In addition to the online registration, PDF registration forms will be available. Completed forms can be mailed or faxed to the SRS office at 555 East Wells Street, Suite 1100, Milwaukee, WI 53202 or faxed to 414-276-3349.
Where do I reserve housing? What is the room rate?
Please visit the Housing tab of this website for information about the hotel, rates or to reserve rooms within the SRS hotel block.
Social Events and Tours
Where do I sign up for tours and activities?
Please visit the Tours tab of this website for complete tour descriptions and for more information on how to register.
Affiliate Meeting Space Requests
All affiliate function requests will need to be submitted online at www.srs.org/meetings/am19/space_request.php
Once approved, SRS will handle all space requests at the nearby hotels on a first-come, first-served basis. All requests must go through the online approval process before space will be granted!
Please remember the following guidelines when requesting space for an affiliate function:
- No entertainment functions, meetings, courses or social functions involving surgeon delegates may be scheduled to conflict with SRS meeting program hours, activity hours, exhibit hours or social events. Internal corporate meetings involving supporter or affiliate organization staff only are exempt from this limitation.
- Entertainment and social functions must be in good taste and conform to the purpose of the meeting, as well as complying with all AdvaMed guidelines governing interaction with physicians.
- SRS should be notified in writing of any special activities (whether entertainment, education or promotional in nature) planned by an affiliated company for the period during which SRS meeting function occur.
- Announcements and invitations addressed to members of the medical profession concerning such industry events should clearly indicate the name of the corporate support and must in no manner imply directly or indirectly that the event is part of, or an official activity of, SRS.
- Attendee lists provided by SRS to Corporate Supporters, either as part of the Benefits of Support outlined in the Corporate Support Program are intended for a one-time, meeting-related use only. All announcements and invitations addressed to SRS meeting delegates should be pre-approved by SRS.
Still have questions? Contact:
Scoliosis Research Society:
Meetings Department
555 E. Wells Street, Suite 1100
Milwaukee, WI 53202
Phone: +1-414-289-9107
Fax: +1-414-276-3349
Email: [email protected]