Project Title
Amount Requested
Proposed start date and proposed completion date
Is this a re-submission?
Other funding:
Principle Investigator name and contact information
Membership category
SRS Member(s) Involved
Signing Official
Research Team (In case of multicenter project: Specify lead investigator for each participating center)
Location where research is to be performed (In case of multicenter project: Specify participating centers, and what they will contribute)
The Problem – identify the problem to be studied
Study Proposal/Methods – Provide a detailed overview of the specific aims to test the stated hypotheses. Include an active statement for each aim, a hypothesis for the aim, a description of the methodology to test this hypothesis, and anticipated results. If applicable, provide a brief anticipated sample size calculation. If sample size is not applicable, please provide rationale.
Previous Work in this Area
Budget/Timeline – Briefly describe how these aims can be accomplished with the budget and timeline provided for this grant. If the scope of the application is beyond the budgetary and timeline limitations, please describe if/how outside funding sources or research programs will make up for the shortfall. Please note: travel expenses and indirect costs are not allowed.
Feasibility – Briefly describe the experience/collaborative history of the research team and available resources and how these will ensure the likelihood of success in carrying out the proposed research.
Keywords (up to 5)
Lay Summary
Conflict of Interest Disclosure -
Upload Letters of Support (Optional)
Project Title
Resubmission? If so, how was it revised?
Total Amount Requested
Project Start Date and Project End Date
Supplemental Information
Principal Investigator Information
Identify if PI or Co-Investigator is SRS Member
Facilities available
Financial Officer Information
Marketing Contact Information
Research Team- In case of multicenter project: Specify lead investigator for each participating center
Collaborating Investigator(s) Information
Project location/s- In case of multicenter project: Specify participating centers, and what they will contribute
Lay Summary
Abstract (not to exceed 200 words)
Budget – Summary and Justification (all personnel costs should be explained)
Biographical Sketches (Max 5 pages per contributor. Must be combined into one document for upload)
Upload Research Plan - Limited to 10 pages maximum.
Project Title
New submission or Re-submission, if re-submission, how was it revised?
Amount Requested
Proposed Project Period (Start and Completion date)
Applied elsewhere for support?
Disclose any industry support for an/or participation in this or related projects
Received any other funding for this project? If so, from where and how much?
PI Name and contact information
Membership category
SRS Member(s) Involved
Research Team
Purpose of the project/research question if research project
Impact that your project will have on the SRS mission, your career, or your specialty
Primary outcome measure of success
List up to 3 Keywords
Lay Summary
Micro Grant Classification
Budget Details 1 Year
IRB Disclosure
Regulatory Disclosure: If a device/drug requiring FDA, EU-MDR, or your local/regional specific regulatory body’s approval is identified as an important component of the study, please indicate the status of those devices/drugs.
Attach Applicant Biosketch/CV Template (Max 5 pages per PI)
Attach Key Personnel Biosketch/es Template (Max 5 pages per contributor. Must be combined into one document for upload)
Biedermann, Cotrel, New Inv, Standard: Letter of Intent Outline
Project Title
Amount Requested
Location where research is to be performed
Proposed start date and proposed completion date
Is this a re-submission?
Other funding:
Principle Investigator name and contact information
Membership category
SRS Member(s) Involved
Research Team
The Problem – identify the problem to be studied
Significance – Provide the most up-to-date estimate of epidemiology, morbidity, mortality and cost of the problem, and how this project relates to the SRS mission
Needs statement – provide a statement regarding the unmet need(s) to be addressed.
Study Proposal/Methods – Provide a detailed overview of the specific aims to test the stated hypotheses. Include an active statement for each aim, a hypothesis for the aim, a description of the methodology to test this hypothesis, and anticipated results. If applicable, provide a brief anticipated sample size calculation. If sample size is not applicable, please provide rationale. y
Previous Work in this Area
Budget/Timeline – Briefly describe how these aims can be accomplished with the budget and timeline provided for this grant. If the scope of the application is beyond the budgetary and timeline limitations, please describe if/how outside funding sources or research programs will make up for the shortfall. Please note: travel expenses and indirect costs are not allowed.
Feasibility – Briefly describe the experience/collaborative history of the research team and available resources and how these will ensure the likelihood of success in carrying out the proposed research.
Keywords (up to 5)
Lay Summary
Regulatory Disclosure: If a device/drug requiring FDA, EU-MDR, or your local/regional specific regulatory body’s approval is identified as an important component of the study, please indicate the status of those devices/drugs.
Conflict of Interest Disclosure -
Biedermann, Cotrel, New Inv, Standard: Full Application Outline
Project Title
Resubmission? If so, how was it revised?
Total Amount Requested
Project Start Date and Project End Date
Supplemental Information
Principal Investigator Information
Identify if PI or Co-Investigator is SRS Member
Institution Where Work Will Be Done
Facilities available
Financial Officer Information
Marketing Contact Information
Research Team
Collaborating Investigator(s) Information
Lay Summary
Abstract (not to exceed 200 words)
Budget – Summary and Justification (all personnel costs should be explained)
IRB Disclosure
Regulatory Disclosure: If a device/drug requiring FDA, EU-MDR, or your local/regional specific regulatory body’s approval is identified as an important component of the study, please indicate the status of those devices/drugs.
Biographical Sketches (Max 5 pages per contributor. Must be combined into one document for upload)
Upload Research Plan - Limited to 10 pages maximum.
Application Documents