Scoliosis Research Society
SRS: Scoliosis Research Society

Scoliosis Research Society

Dedicated to the optimal care of patients with spinal deformity

26th IMAST - Amsterdam, the Netherlands - July 17-20, 2019

26th International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques (IMAST)
July 17-20, 2019
Amsterdam, the Netherlands

IMAST 2019 Committee

Henry F.H. Halm, MD, Chair
Han Jo Kim, MD, Co-Chair

Ronald A. Lehman, Jr., MD, Past Chair
Paloma Bas Hermida, MD
Kai Cao, MD, PhD
John M. Caridi, MD
Paul C. Celestre, MD
Chee Kidd Chiu, MBBS, MSOrth
Samuel K. Cho, MD
Jeffrey L. Gum, MD
Munish C. Gupta, MD
Hamid Hassanzadeh, MD
Tyler Koski, MD
Scott J. Luhmann, MD
Hossein Mehdian, MD, FRCS(Ed)
Stefan Parent, MD, PhD
Michael Ruf, MD
Rick C. Sasso, MD
Rajiv K. Sethi, MD
Xu Sun, MD, PhD
Georgios A. Vastardis, MD, PhD
Jim A. Youssef, MD

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