Scoliosis Research Society
SRS: Scoliosis Research Society

Scoliosis Research Society

Dedicated to the optimal care of patients with spinal deformity

22nd International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques (IMAST)
July 8-11, 2015
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

IMAST 2015 Committee

Chair - Christopher I. Shaffrey, MD

Past Chair - Todd J. Albert, MD

Ronald A. Lehman, MD, Chair Elect
Henry F.H. Halm, MD, Co-Chair Elect
Jahangir K. Asghar, MD
Sigurd H. Berven, MD
Santiago Tomas Bosio, MD
Jacob M. Buchowski, MD, MS
Mohammad El-Sharkawi, MD
Lawrence L. Haber, MD
Andrew H. Jea, MD
Roger K. Owens II, MD
Vikas V. Patel, MD
Themistocles S. Protopsaltis, MD
Rajiv K. Sethi, MD
Kern Singh, MD
Justin S. Smith, MD, PhD
Hee Kit Wong, MD

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