SRS 55th Annual Meeting

SRS 55th Annual Meeting

Virtual 55th Annual Meeting

Available online September 3 through December 31, 2020.

Enter the Virtual Annual Meeting Platform

Still need to register? Online registration is available through December 31, 2020. REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED.

Already Registered? Login to the online meeting platform to gain access to recordings of the live sessions, planned virtual discussion, industry workshops, and self-paced enduring material.

Key Dates

Registration Opens.................................August 3, 2020
Cancellation Refund Deadline...............September 2, 2020
Content Available Online.......................September 3, 2020
Live Sessions..........................................September 9-13, 2020
Industry workshop live discussions.........September 14-17, 2020
Online Access Cut-Off Date................December 31, 2020

Meeting Description

The 55th Annual Meeting is a complete web-based meeting experience for the realization of the Scoliosis Research Society's mission and goals, to foster the optimal care of all patients with spinal deformities. Presentations are given by leading experts in the field and have value for health care professionals who treat spinal deformities at all levels and in all ages.

Over 150 papers, faculty-led instructional courses, industry-supported workshops, e-posters on the latest research, and more will be presented on an array of topics including adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, growing spine, kyphosis, adult deformity, trauma, neuromuscular scoliosis, and tumors for live and/or self-paced viewing.

Target Audience

The Annual Meeting is open to anyone involved in the treatment of spinal deformities including spine surgeons, residents and fellows, physician assistants, nurses, and other allied health professionals and researchers. The presentations, selected from over 1,600 submissions, will provide valuable information to all individuals caring for patients with spinal deformities.

Future SRS Meetings

Corporate Support Opportunities

Novel Coronavirus Update | June 11, 2020
Due to the global spread of COVID-19, the SRS Leadership have decided to replace the in-person 55th SRS Annual Meeting in Phoenix, AZ, USA with a virtual meeting this September. We believe that this is the best decision to not only protect the health and safety of our members and attendees, but also to allow the most inclusive gathering of our community possible. Read more »