SRS 55th Annual Meeting

SRS 55th Annual Meeting


Jump to Registration FAQs

Jump to General Annual Meeting FAQs

Is the virtual 55th Annual Meeting a live event?

The 55th Annual Meeting is both a live event and self-paced course with enduring materials. Pre-recorded content will be released Thursday, September 3 to be viewed at the learner’s preferred pace. The live sessions will begin on Wednesday, September 9 with live presentations from faculty and live discussion. Live sessions will continue on Thursday, September 10, Friday, September 11, Saturday, September 12, and Sunday, September 13. Learners will be able to access recordings of the live sessions, as well as additional Annual Meeting content through December 31, 2020.

When will the live presentations take place? 

The live presentations will be held Wednesday, September 9 through Sunday, September 13, 2020.  Visit the program page for the full agenda. 

How can I ask questions of presenters?

Learners will be able to leave questions for presenters in the in-course discussion boards for asynchronous communication as well as inquire live during the live presentations September 9-13, 2020. We encourage learners who are interested in a more real time experience to participate in the live discussions.

Where do I login to access the virtual Annual Meeting?

Sign in at the link above using your SRS login details to access all SRS online courses that you are enrolled in. Once you are logged in, select 55th Annual Meeting to access all Annual Meeting content.

What technology do I need to access the virtual Annual Meeting?

You can access the Annual Meeting via any electronic device with an internet connection and with a screen to view presentations (i.e. Computer, tablet, smart phone).

Does the Virtual Annual Meeting count towards my SRS Membership meeting attendance requirement?

Yes, participation in the 55th Annual Meeting online will count towards your SRS Membership meeting attendance requirement. In order for it to count, you must review all Annual Meeting content that is offered.

How do I get my CME certificate?

To download your CME certificate click on the Annual Meeting course and select “Awards” from the navigation bar near the top of the page. If you have earned CME credit, you will be able download your automatically tallied certificate in the Awards section. CME certificates will not be mailed or emailed. The online certificate access is the only source for this documentation. SRS asks that all Annual Meeting CME certificates be claimed no later than December 31, 2020.

How long will I be able to access the Annual Meeting content? 

All Annual Meeting content will be available through December 31, 2020.

Registration FAQs

What is the registration deadline?

There is no deadline to register for the virtual Annual Meeting; however, content will only be available through December 31, 2020.

I have registered, but do not see the Annual Meeting when I login?

Please check your original confirmation email; if it says "Because you purchased more than one course license or indicated you were purchasing the registration on behalf of someone else, Click here to manage your licenses.” then you will need to assign your registration "license" to yourself to be able to see the Annual Meeting when you log in. 

How do I assign a registration licenses? 

If you purchased multiple registrations or registrations on behalf of someone else, you will need to assign them the "registration license". To do this, you will need your original confirmation email; once you have located your confirmation email: 

  1. Click the link "Click here to manage your licenses"
  2. Login with the username and password you used when purchasing the registration
  3. Click "add Student/assign license"
  4. Enter the first name, last name, and email address of the person who should receive the registration and follow the instructions on the screen
  5. Once you have assigned the registration(s) a link will be emailed to the assignee for them to claim the registration; once they have done that following the instructions, in the email they will have access to the Annual Meeting.

How do I get the Resident/Fellow/Medical Student registration rate?

During the registration process, when you are asked to select your practice type, select “Other”, from the provided list and hit “Continue”.  On the next page, check the “Resident, Fellow, or Medical Student” checkbox.  This will allow you to receive the Resident/Fellow/Medical Student rate and can proceed with the online registration.

 I should have a registration discount, but do not see it? 

The price will adjust after you select "Checkout" from the shopping cart page. 

About the Annual Meeting

What is the Annual Meeting?

The Scoliosis Research Society's Annual Meeting is a form for the realization of the Society's mission and goals, the improvement of patient care for those with spinal deformities. Presentations at the Annual Meeting are given by leading experts in the field and have value for health care professionals who treat spinal deformities at all levels and in all ages. Over 125 papers will be presented on an array of topics, including adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, growing spine, kyphosis, adult deformity, trauma, neuromuscular scoliosis and tumors.

Who can register for the Annual Meeting?

Presentations at the Annual Meeting will have value for physicians and allied health personnel who treat spinal deformities at all levels and patients of all ages. Medical students, residents, fellows and researchers with an interest in spinal deformities will also benefit from the materials presented.

What language will presentations be provided in?

Presentations and course materials will be provided in English.

How do I register for the Annual Meeting ?

Online registration is available on the Registration tab of this website. 

Still have questions?


Scoliosis Research Society:
Meetings Department
555 E. Wells Street, Suite 1100
Milwaukee, WI 53202
Phone: +1-414-289-9107
Fax: +1-414-276-3349
Email: [email protected]