Speaker Ready Room Now Closed
E-Posters must be submitted to the Online Speaker Ready Room starting May 13, 2019. Authors who would like their E-Poster to be included on the USB, must upload it to the Speaker Ready Room no later than May 23, 2019. All E-Posters uploaded by July 10, 2019 will appear on the onsite kiosks. It is not necessary to upload twice.
Key Dates
Abstract Notification | April 1, 2019 |
Presenter Acceptance Deadline | May 1, 2019 |
Deadline to Make Corrections To Title/Authors** | May 6, 2019 |
Speaker Ready Room Opens | May 13, 2019 |
Deadline to Upload E-Poster for Inclusion on USB | May 23, 2019 |
Deadline to Upload E-Poster for Display | July 10, 2019 |
**Authors may only be added to an abstract if they have an existing author account in the abstract submission system and a completed COI Disclosure Form. Changes may NOT be made to the body of the abstract, images or tables. Sorry, no exceptions.
E-Poster Requirements
Non-Exclusive License and Attestation
Both a Non-Exclusive License Form and Attestation Form must be completed in the Dekon Speaker Management System. Presenting authors will be prompted to complete these forms upon logging in to accept their presentation. The deadline for presenters to accept their invitation and complete these forms is May 1, 2019.
For assistance with username and passwords please contact the SRS Meetings Team at [email protected] or +1-414-289-9107.
NEW! E-Poster Audio Production Guidelines
New this year, all E-Posters will have audio narration (maximum 3 minutes) for attendees to listen to when they view the E-Posters onsite at the E-Poster kiosks (audio will not be included on the E-Poster USBs). You will need to record your narration when you upload your E-Poster before the meeting.
AV and Presentation Upload
E-Poster presentations are available for review during the Annual Meeting on computer kiosks and are also distributed on USB to all attendees. E-Poster abstracts are also published in the program book. Any corrections to the title or author listing must be sent by email to [email protected] no later than May 6, 2019.
**Authors may only be added to an abstract if they have an existing author account in the abstract submission system and a completed COI Disclosure Form. Sorry, no exceptions.
E-Posters must be submitted to the Online Speaker Ready Room starting May 13, 2019. Authors who would like their E-Poster to be included on the USB, must upload it to the Speaker Ready Room no later than May 23, 2019. All E-Posters uploaded by July 10, 2019 will appear on the onsite kiosks. It is not necessary to upload twice.
Click here to log into the Speaker Ready Room
Presenters who uploaded presentations to last year’s IMAST or Annual Meeting Speaker Ready Room may use the same email account and passwords as last year. If you have forgotten your password, simply click the Forgot Password button and it will be sent to the email account you used. Presenters who did NOT upload in 2017 or 2018 should create a new account the first time logging into the site. SRS members-only site passwords, abstract submission site passwords, and M&M site passwords will NOT work. If you need further technical assistance, please click the "SUPPORT" button at the top right of the Speaker Ready Room homepage.
*Presentations should be in 16:9 format (widescreen)* Click here for instructions on converting from 4:3 to 16:9.
AV Guidelines for E-Poster Presentations
CME Accreditation Policies
Abstract presentations will be CME accredited, and it is therefore essential that they be free from commercial influence. References to particular commercial products must use their generic name or be balanced by referring to other similar products.
Please note that an additional slide including all authors' financial disclosures will be shown on the screen opposite of the presenter during the presentation. If speakers have any corrections to make to their disclosure statement, please send them to [email protected] by May 1, 2019.
Product Name Use Policy
SRS strongly prefers that pharmaceuticals and proprietary software/databases as well as surgical approaches or specific instrumentation such as “Surgimap, MIMICS, EOS Imaging, ROTEM, Isola, TSRH, CD, XLIF, DLIF, AxiaLIF, Solera, Vertex, Expedium, Mountaineer, Shilla, VEPTR etc.,” are not used in presentations. These terms should be replaced by a generic term or description of the drug, software/database and/or instrumentation or technique unless the use of the term directly impacts learners’ understanding of the presentation or data. Instrumentation may also be referred to when the device name is a landmark system that is no longer sold (i.e. Harrington, Cotrel-Dubousset, Luque).
Company names and logos must never be used in a presentation (including in images.)
It is recognized that studies evaluating a device or devices or comparing different devices or techniques may require the use of product or technique names. If a device trade name or industry developed technique using a trademarked name are used in an abstract or presentation, it will be specifically reviewed by the CME Committee for evaluation of any potential conflict of interest.When there is a known potential conflict of interest, an expanded verbal disclosure will be necessary at the time of presentation. Furthermore, if a product name is mentioned, the audience should be informed of why it is necessary to give the name.
Please notify us at [email protected] if you plan to use a product name in your presentation.
Invitation and Confirmation
All E-Poster presenters must confirm their participation by accepting their invitation(s) in the Dekon Speaker Management site by May 1, 2019.