Early Onset Scoliosis Video Library
An Introduction to Early Onset Scoliosis for Patients and Parents
Early Onset Scoliosis: A Parent's Perspective - Kelly Morgan
Diagnosis in EOS - Laurel C. Blakemore, MD
EOS Diagnosis - Jeffrey Cassidy, MD
EOS Diagnosis - John Thometz, MD
Observation in EOS - Amer Samdani, MD
Bracing in EOD - Lori Karol, MD
Body Casting - Jim Sanders, MD
Halo Gravity Traction - Amy McIntosh, MD
EOS Surgery - Nicholas Fletcher, MD
Growing Rods - Eric D. Shirley, MD
MAGEC™ Device and MCGR Procedure - Suken Shah, MD
VEPTR® - John Smith, MD
Definitive Spinal Fusion - Nigel Price, MD
Growth Guided Devices - Scott Luhmann, MD
Tension Based Devices - Stefan Parent, MD, PhD
An Introduction to Early Onset Scoliosis for Patients and Parents
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Early Onset Scoliosis: A Parent's Perspective - Kelly Morgan
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Diagnosis in EOS - Laurel C. Blakemore, MD
What is Early-Onset Scoliosis?
Is all EOS the same?
Is scoliosis passed on to the child by parents or relatives?
Is there something my child is doing that could be causing the curve in the spine?
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EOS Diagnosis - Jeffrey Cassidy, MD
How is EOS noticed in most children?
How does a doctor diagnose EOS?
Does scoliosis hurt?
How do I know if the curve will get bigger?
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EOS Diagnosis - John Thometz, MD
Should I limit my child’s activities?
What complications can my child have?
What kind of medical tests will be done for my child?
Do I need to worry about the number of x-rays and imaging studies my child is getting?
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Observation in EOS - Amer Samdani, MD
How often will we see the doctor?
Do we need an x-ray every time?
What are the treatment options for EOS?
Can my child totally avoid surgery?
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Bracing in EOS - Lori Karol, MD
How is the brace made?
How often does my child have to wear the brace?
Will the brace “cure” the scoliosis?
What if my child can’t or won’t wear the brace?
Can we take a break or vacation from the brace?
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Body Casting - Jim Sanders, MD
How is the cast made?
Can the cast come off?
How do I keep my child clean with a cast on?
How many casts will my child have? And how long is each cast on?
Will the cast “cure” the scoliosis?
What if my child breaks the cast?
Can we take a break or vacation from the cast?
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Halo Gravity Traction - Amy McIntosh, MD
What does halo gravity traction do?
How does halo gravity traction work?
Is halo gravity traction dangerous?
How long will my child be in halo gravity traction?
How do patients sleep in halo gravity traction?
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EOS Surgery - Nicholas Fletcher, MD
How long should my child stay at hospital after surgery?
Does my child need to wear brace after surgery?
How long does the surgery take?
Will my child have some limitations in sports or physical activities after surgery?
What are the complications that can happen?
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Growing Rods - Eric D. Shirley, MD
What are Growing Rods and how do they work?
Is there more than one type of Growing Rod system?
How often and for how long will my child have multiple surgeries (lengthenings) for traditional growing rods?
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MAGEC™ Device and MCGR Procedure - Suken Shah, MD
What is the MAGEC™ device and MCGR procedure?
Can my child undergo this treatment in the United States?
How often and for how long will my child have multiple magnetic lengthenings?
Does the MCGR lengthening hurt?
Do we need to avoid magnets in public or at home?
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VEPTR® - John Smith, MD
What is a VEPTR® (Vertical Expandable Prosthetic Titanium Rib) and how does it work?
How often and for how long will my child have multiple surgeries (lengthenings)?
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Definitive Spinal Fusion - Nigel Price, MD
What is a definitive spinal fusion and how does it work in EOS?
If my child has a definitive fusion does that mean they will never need another surgery?
When will my child’s treatment end?
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Growth Guided Devices - Scott Luhmann, MD
What is a growth guided device and how does it work?
Does the device need more than one surgery?
Are there different types of growth guided devices?
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Tension Based Devices - Stefan Parent, MD, PhD
What is a tension based device and how does it work?
Does the tension based device need more than one surgery?
Are there different types of tension based devices?
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