September 2021

Adult Deformity Committee 

Robert K. Eastlack, MD 
Adult Deformity Committee 

The ASD Committee had a productive year despite the pandemic headwinds, during which we put together a well-attended international webinar on Prevention of Proximal Junctional Kyphosis in Adult Spinal Deformity that included world experts on the topic. Additionally, we have been formulating educational symposia and sections for the upcoming IMAST and SRS meetings for topics such as cervical deformity, MIS deformity, osteoporosis management in ASD correction, and others.

The team has also been assisting the Education Recourse Center Committee with website content and formatting in the adult deformity realm, in order to optimize this resource for the membership.

The Committee is also working diligently on providing clarity on the various outcome measures available for adult deformity, and how to navigate these platforms in the new age of EMR integration. We will be providing instructional symposia on this topic in upcoming meetings, and have planned to give updated guidance to the membership through the website.

Another subgroup has been working toward building consensus guidance on ERAS protocols that will be based on published results, along with input from the top centers for deformity correction around the world.

Finally, we have generated several important reference review articles on various topics, including cervical deformity, sacroiliac joint dysfunction, and surgical site infection prevention in adult deformity, which will be available through the SRS website, and submitted for publication, as well.

Robert K. Eastlack, MD, Chair