September 2020

Bylaws & Policies Committee Update

J. Michael Wattenbarger, MD
Bylaws & Policies Committee Chair

Over the course of the last several months, an in depth review of the SRS Policy Manual was completed. As our Society has continued to evolve, so do the policies that govern the work that we do. The full set of edits has been sent to the SRS Board of Directors for approval at their September 7 meeting. The updated version of the SRS Policy Manual will be available for all members to view via the Member’s Only section of the website, under the Governance heading in early October.


Chair: John M. Wattenbarger Committee: Brian Hsu, Past Chair; James M. Mok (C); Pooria Salari (C); Wafa Skalli (C); Abhishek Srivastava (C); Andrew A. Sama, Chair Elect; Kevin M. Neal; David Wayne Gray