September 2019

Morbidity and Mortality Committee Update

William F. Lavelle, MD
Morbidity and Mortality Committee Chair

The Mortality and Morbidity Committee has created and implemented a single sign-on for M&M reporting to ease data entry. Our Committee encourages members to sign-on and enter their data so we can have a larger sample size to better interpret results and treatments. We plan to also provide a tutorial for data use in the future.

During our Committee web meeting, we discussed advertising to encourage SRS members to solicit data from the M&M database and apply for supporting grants. The advertising would display a publications list of research that has currently been produced from our database. Jointly, with the Research Grant Committee, SRS has provided funding for up to three grant awards of $2500/each. The Committee has elected two members to review new RFP (Request For Proposal) applications.

The Committee reviewed the addition of two possible items to the M&M data collection. First, the aim is to keep the data collection system simple in the anticipation of obtaining complete data for an Early Onset Scoliosis module. Secondly, the addition of a question on the use of an intraoperative complications checklist was reviewed by the M&M Committee and felt to be important for inclusion. This additional question will be targeted as a question for only complications cases.

The M&M Committee will continue to explore ways to purport the importance of our database, make additions to enhance the database; and provide instruction on how to use the data for research projects.


Chair: William F. Lavelle Committee: Jeffery D. Thomson, Past Chair; Peter B. Slabaugh; Junseok Bae (C); Kenny Kwan (C); Patricio Melero (C); Masayuke Ohashi (C); Reuben CC Soh (C); Shiau-Tzu Tzeng (C); Jean-Charles Le Huec; Ruben A. Maenza; Jon Edward Oda; John C. France; Jean Marc Mac-Thiong; Kelly Vanderhave, Chair Elect; G. Ying Li; Vishal Sarwahi; Sanjeev J. Suratwala