September 2017

Morbidity and Mortality Committee Update

Darrell S. Hanson, MD
Morbidity and Mortality Committee Chair

The role of the Morbidity and Mortality Committee (M&M) is to continue to oversee the collection of data to assess the complication rates on a year-to-year basis, streamline the data submission process for the membership so that it is not terribly onerous, and to use the available data for presentations and publications.  Our committee continues to strive to improve the data entry site and increase the value added to the membership of the SRS.

One of the real strengths of the SRS is the enduring commitment of the membership to provide the requisite information necessary in order to maintain a robust database.  To this end, I’m happy to report that the participation of the membership contributing to the database continues to be relatively high.  We are currently in the process of analyzing the participation data for 2016.  Please remember that if a complication is entered, you must fully complete the detailed module(s) for each complication in the “add complication case” section.  There are still some cases with incomplete data fields.  Remember, our data is only as good as the information that is entered.  If you have questions about the submission process, there is a link under the Morbidity and Mortality section titled “2017 instructions” that answers most questions.

Under the main page of the data submission website, members can also access their personal yearly M&M data for the last several years.  The dashboard representation allows a comparison of the individual data to the overall SRS membership data that has been submitted.

A special member benefit of the M&M database is the opportunity to use the M&M data for research.  We have had several RFPs submitted to use the database for investigations.  We are currently working on an updated bibliography of the publications that have been the result of research conducted through the M&M database.  The process and guidelines for submitting an RFP are located in the Members-Only section of the SRS website under Morbidity and Mortality. 

I look forward to giving a more complete presentation at the Business Meeting presentation on Friday, September 8 in Philadelphia.

Finally, I would like to thank the entire committee for their tireless efforts, especially Kathy Blanke.


Chair: Darrell S. Hanson Committee: Jose A. Herrera-Soto, Past Chair; Kathy Blanke (A); Ian W. Nelson; Brent D. Adams (C); Paloma Bas Hermida (C); Joseph Gjolaj (C); Nanjundappa S. Harshavardhana (C); Sang D. Kim (C); Addisu Mesfin (C); Peter G. Passias (C); Nasir Ali Quarishi (C); Christopher J. Bergin; Vicki Kalen (E); Peter B. Slabaugh; Jeffery D. Thomson, Chair Elect; William Francis Lavelle; Jon Edward Oda