March 2017

Website Committee Update

Todd Milbrandt, MD
Website Committee Chair

The Website Committee is excited for the work ahead in 2017. Under the previous leadership of Ron El-Hawary, MD, we have inherited a fantastic new website. While the continual improvement of this site is the core of our charges we have many other initiatives as well.

Because the website is central to many other SRS committees, we have set up a structure so that there are liaisons to ensure good communication. Our core business is not content formation but content communication via the website and other venues. To that end, we have laid out our tasks for the year and who will be leading them. We have attempted to assign a member and a candidate member to each task. They are:

  1. Website Data (Google Analytics)- Ron El-Hawary (M) Denis Sakai, and Calglar Yilgor
    1. Investigate and report on the new website design.
    2. Explore a manuscript comparing old and new.
    3. Improve the ranking of the website.
  2. Website Update/Maintenance- Kathy Blanke, Ahmad Nassr (M), and Josh Pahys (C)
    1. The website will be edited and the information kept contemporary.
  3. Social Media Task Force- Lloyd Hey (M)  Denis Sakai (C)
    1. This group will be creating content for Twitter and Facebook.
    2. We would also like to propose a Lunchtime Symposium for Annual Meeting 2018.
    3. “Leveraging Social Media to Improve your Practice”.
  4. E-Text- Sumeet Garg (M) Josh Pahys (C)
    1. This group has been working closely with the E-Text committee to improve the look and feel of the E-Text.
    2. We will then use Google Analytics for E-text vs ibook.
  5. Patient Education- Kevin Neal (M) Kirk Owens (C)
    1. Working with the education committee, we are working on the previous efforts to have SRS members videotape answers to FAQ that we have on the website.
    2. This will continue in 2017 annual meeting in Philadelphia.
  6. SRS Surgical Video Theater- Todd Milbrandt (M) Harold Von Bosse (M) Edmund Choi (C)
    1. This group is exploring how to display the videos on the website.
    2. Examples from other societies (POSNA), and vumedi will be investigated.
  7. Webinars-Task to be addressed by separate task force outside of website committee.

Chair: Todd Milbrandt, MD Committee: Ron El-Hawary, MD; Michael S. Roh, MD; Anthony A. Scaduto, MD; Edmund Choi, MD; Haruki Funao, MD; Sumeet Garg, MD; Toshiaki Kotani, MD, PhD; Roger K. Owens, II, MD; Joshua Pahys, MD; Gabriel Piza Vallespir, MD, PhD; Caglar Yilgor, MD; Kevin M. Neal, MD; Praveen V. Mummaneni, MD; Timothy R. Kuklo, MD, JD; Ahmad Nassr, MD; David H. Clements, III,  MD; Amer Samdani, MD; George H. Thompson, MD; Peter D. Angevine, MD, MPH; Lloyd A. Hey, MD; Robert P. Huang, MD; Harold J.P. Van Bosse, MD