June 2019

Historian Corner

George H. Thompson, MD
SRS Historian

The activities of the History Committee since our last report have focused on the SRS Archives, keeping up with obituaries of our recently departed members and maintaining the Historian’s Corner.

SRS Archives

Following the funeral of Marc Asher, which many of us attended, the History Committee leadership has been involved with SRS Archives in Kansas City. Behrooz Akbarnia, Bob Gaines and I were able to spend some brief time at the archives. During that time we were able to discuss some possibilities to more rapidly incorporate and update our archival material. We have had several telephone conferences with Dr. Chris Crenner who is the Chair of the Department of History & Philosophy of Medicine at the University of Kansas Medical Center where the SRS archives are housed, to discuss these possibilities. We will be having more conference calls this summer. At this time no definite decisions have been made.

New Obituaries

We continue to lose SRS members at a faster than expected rate. Thus far we have lost 4 more members in addition to Marc Asher. These include Keith Vandenbrink, John D. King, Edward Dean, Jr (February 7, 2019) and Ralph W. Coonrad  (April 10, 2019). Dr. Vandenbrink’s obituary, written by Newt McCoullough has already been published and the others are in preparation.

50 years ago…

The Wilmington/DuPont Brace was developed. In response to patients refusing use of the Milwaukee Brace and Risser Cast, a custom TLSO Wilmington Brace was developed. A removable thermoplastic device for deformities with apices at-or-below T7 (JBJS Am. 1980 Jan; 62(1): 31-6) casted in a Risser frame in corrected position was the basis for this brace made from a cast mold.

20 years ago…

SRS Fellowship categories were revised. International members are no longer known as Corresponding Fellows. This leads the way for international members to become full Active Fellows of the Society. In this timespan, SRS has grown to 34% non-US members and seen its first international President.


Chair: George H. Thompson Committee: Kshitij S. Chaudhary (C); Christian P. DiPaola (C); Janez Mohar (C); Brandon A. Ramo (C); Andrew G. King; Acke Ohlin (E); Patricia N. Kostial (A); Matthew J. Mermer; Jay Shapiro, Historian Elect