December 2020

Education Resource Committee Update

Ron El-Hawary, MD
Education Resource Committee Chair

The Education Resource Committee (ERC) has hit the ground running this past fall by quickly picking up where last year’s committee left off. Teresa Bas, Past Chair, provided leadership and organization to the committee over the past two years and has really paved the way for us to take the ERC to the next level. Under Dr. Bas’ guidance, the ERC section of the website is now organized into the 10 core curriculum domains as defined by our Society. Nearly all of the information from the former SRS E-Text has now been updated and placed within the appropriate domains. This has been a huge undertaking for the group over the past two years and we are grateful to the dozens of members who have contributed to make this happen. In particular, Andre Andujar should be commended for his review of the webinar content on our website and for assigning each webinar to a core curriculum domain.

This fall, the ERC has been working to create OrthoBullet type synopses and review questions for each chapter. This will facilitate easy reference of key material from each chapter and may also enhance spine fellow training and evaluation. One of the goals of the ERC this year is to make the education materials more easily accessible as the content can sometimes be difficult to find on the website. In an effort to promote the educational material to spine fellows, the SRS is working on creating a list of spine fellowship program directors to ensure that fellows are aware of the educational material housed within the ERC. The ERC is also working with the Board and the PL to create easier sign-in access for members and non-members and to make the ERC easier to promote. Our committee is excited to continue refining the educational material available to medical professionals. We look forward to a very prolific 2021!


Chair: Ron El-Hawary Committee: Teresa Bas, Past Chair; Theodore J. Choma; Charles H. Crawford; Ryan C. Goodwin; Robert K. Lark; Griffin R. Baum (C); Charbel Jacob Jr. (C); Christophe J. Kleck (C); Ahmed Salem Mohamed (C); Reuben CC Soh (C); Marilyn L.G. Gates (A); Yong Hai; Mohammed M. Mossaad (E); Paul T. Rubery Jr.; Matthew F. Halsey; Chris J. Neal; Joshua Pahys, Chair Elect; Lukas P. Zebala