December 2017

Fellowship Committee Update

Youssry El Hawary, MD
Fellowship Committee Chair

In order to maintain the high standards of SRS membership, the Fellowship Committee rigorously reviews all Candidate, Associate and Active applications for membership in adherence to the polices and bylaws of SRS. The Fellowship Committee then provides their recommendations to the Board of Directors for final approval at the fall and spring Board meetings. We had a very nice turn out to the Membership Information Session at the Annual Meeting this year and we are looking forward to the December 1 deadline to review the next round of applications.

With the new year there will be a few changes to the membership dues. The Board of Directors voted at the fall meeting to raise dues for all membership categories by $75 USD bringing Active Member dues to $575 USD and to add a fourth tier to the dues scale to match all the levels of the World Bank income scale. The last increase in dues was in 2010 when Active member dues went from $400 USD to $500 USD. The increases goes towards providing you with high quality meetings, awards & scholarships, the fellowship directory and much more.

Fellowship Statistics
SRS is growing at a steady rate continuously focusing on the quality of new fellows and not the quantity. As we continue to maintain the high standards of fellowship set by our Founders. We currently have 62 countries represented in our fellowship with approximately 34 percent residing outside of the United States.

Dues update as of November 7, 2017

  • 949 out of 1057 members have paid their 2017 dues
  • We have collected $462,790.00 in 2017 dues
  • We have collected $2,270.00 in late fees from previous years dues
  • We have collected $26,120.00 in MM fees from previous years fees
  • Total Members Unpaid: 108


Membership Count by Membership Type

  1/2012 6/2012 1/2013 1/2014 3/2015 2/2016 8/2016 2/2017 8/2017
Active 523 535 568 598 624 661 688 667 670
Candidate 283 288 272 261 274 281 296 304 310
Associate 71 75 81 73 70 68 73 75 77
Emeritus 234 239 240 246 255 257 258 262 267
Honorary 12 12 12 10 10 10 10 10 9
Total 1,123 1,149 1,173 1,188 1,233 1,277 1,305 1,318 1,333


Neurosurgeons 7/2011 11/2012 2013 1/2014 3/2015 2/2016 8/2016 2/2017 8/2017
Total 33 38 39 46 60 62 67 73 74


Researchers 1/2014 3/2015 2/2016 8/2016 2/2017 8/2017
Total 26 34 37 42 44 46


Countries 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Total 45 45 46 46 46 48 49 49 55 56 61 62


Chair: Youssry El-Hawary Committee: Hee Kit Wong, Past Chair; Michelle S. Caird, Chair Elect; Baron S. Lonner