Spinal Column | Member's Only Updates

Members-Only Newsletter Retiring Publication

Dear SRS members,

The past two years, we have taken a strategic look at all the work we are doing in education, communication, diversity, patient outreach and of course, research. As we have continued this work, we have found some obvious opportunities to redirect content and work in a more productive manner.

One of these areas is the quarterly members-only newsletter. After in-depth analysis of readership, content, and committee submissions, the SRS Board of Directors determined it no longer meets the strategic communication goals of the society for more robust, more timely communication of programs and initiatives.

We found that the low level of engagement, compared to the amount of time and work for our member committees and SRS staff was unequal. So, the Board of Directors made the decision at the IMAST Board meeting to cease publication as of the March 2022 issue. Committee reports and member-only information are now incorporated in the members-only section of the e-newsletter, the "Spinal Column." 

In addition, we will produce a yearly, interactive, online Annual Report that will highlight the full year of committee achievements and SRS successes. 

We value member communication highly. We plan to continue fine tuning and updating our options to deliver the most relevant content in the best possible format in the future. That includes investing in new platforms like an online, interactive Annual Report, the Scoliosis Dialogues podcast and a new membership website.

We look forward to another great year of SRS growing and expanding as the premier, international research society.


Christopher Shaffrey, MD
SRS President