December 2021

Research Grant Committee

Mitsuru Yagi, MD, PhD.
Committee Chair

The research grant committee received nine letter of intent for the newly created SRS directed research grant from Europe, North America, and Asian countries. The scope of SRS directed research is the long-term outcomes of operative and/or non-operative treatment of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis followed into adulthood. The period of grant will be up to three years and up to $150,000 per year for three years may be awarded (max $450,000 total).

Each member assigned a ranking from 1-5, and the grant applications rankings are assigned an average score. A conference call will be carried out to decide the final ranking. The full proposal applications opened in December 15, 2021, and the grant winner will be notified on March 2022.

Research Grant Committee: Virginie Lafage, Past Chair, Donita I. Bylski-Austrow, René Castelein, Jean-Christophe A. Leveque, P. Justin Tortolani, Paloma Bas Hermida, Mohsen Karami, Miranda Van Hoof, Michael D. Daubs, Siavash S. Haghighi, Ahmad Nassr, Justin S. Smith, Eric C. Parent, Peter G. Passias, Yong Qiu, Fernando Alvarado Gomez, A Noelle Larson, Ajoy Prasad Shetty, Michelle Welborn, Chair Elect